Indiana County in 1817

Indiana County in 1817
Indiana County in 1817

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The McKelvey Family of Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County and Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania

While looking for the parents of Mary McKelvey, my third great grandmother, I accumulated a large amount of information on the McKelvey family that purchased property in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County and later moved into Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. The progenitor of this family was James McKelvey who moved with his family to Westmoreland County prior to 1802 when he and his son, Joseph McKelvey, purchased 272 acres of land known as May hill from James McCurdy and Nancy his wife on 3 September 1802 for $1634. The deed states that James McKelvey and Joseph McKelvey of Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County were living on the land at the time they purchased it. (see Westmoreland County deed book 6:299). This family supposedly moved from Lancaster County but I can find no supporting documentation for this.

Joseph McKelvey of Wheatfield Township, Indiana County then sold the 272 acres of land in Fairfield County, Westmoreland County to his brother, William McKelvey on 28 September 1815 for $400. The deed states that this land was purchased from James McCurdy in 1802: "...this said purchase made by us was made by us with the intent and for the use of the family to which we were then attached, that is to say my Father, James McKelvey, my Mother, my brothers James, Samuel, William and Lewis and the consideration money given for the said parcel or piece of land was collected from and paid by the said persons of this family..." (see Westmoreland County deed book 23:502). 

The above deed names the sons of James McKelvey: Samuel, Joseph, James, William, and Lewis. James McKelvey, Sr. and James McKelvey, Jr. were living in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County in the 1810 census. Samuel McKelvey and Joseph McKelvey were living in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County in the 1810 census. Samuel McKelvey and Joseph McKelvey also appear in the early tax lists for Wheatfield Township in Indiana County. Joseph McKelvey died prior to 1818 since Joseph McKelvey's heirs are taxed for his land in 1818. William McKelvey appears in 1819 on the Wheatfield Township tax list and on the 1820 census for Wheatfield Township in Indiana County.

James McKelvey (Junior) and his wife Sarah sold 101 acres for $952.50 in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County to David Fellon on 6 November 1819 (see Westmoreland County deed 14:248-249). The deed states "This tract is part of a larger tract purchased by James and Joseph McKelvey from James McCurdy on 2 September 1802 and by deed of conveyance from Joseph McKelvey to William McKelvey dated 28 September 1815 and by deed of conveyance of release from William McKelvey and wife to James McKelvey dated 6 November 1819." James McKelvey married Sarah Lawson, a daughter of James Lawson (see Westmoreland County will book 2:128 for the will of James Lawson). James McKelvey appears in the 1820 and 1830 censuses in Toby Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania where David Lawson and John Lawson, two of his brothers-in-law, were also living. Mary McKelvey, James McKelvey's daughter, was living in Toby Township when she married Jacob Bash of Redbank Township, Armstrong County (The following  marriage notice appeared in the Kittanning Gazetter on 12 September 1827: Marriage...On the 23rd ult. by George Means, Esq., Mr. Jacob Bash, of Redbank Twp. to Miss Mary M'Celvy, of Toby Twp.).

Four of James McKelvey, Sr.'s  children married children of Ephraim Wallace: Samuel McKelvey married Ann Wallace, Joseph McKelvey married Sarah Wallace, William McKelvey married Margaret Wallace, and Jane McKelvey married Samuel Wallace (see Indiana County will book 1:56 for the will of Ephraim Wallace and the Genealogy of the Wallace Family). Ephraim McKelvey's will written in 1809 names his two sons-in-law, Samuel and Joseph McKelvey. According to Ephraim Wallace's will, Samuel McKelvey was already living on land in 1809 that Ephraim leaves to his three daughters. His daughter, Margaret, was single at the time his will was written.

Samuel McKelvey and Ann (Wallace) McKelvey (born 1782) had the following children: Jane McKelvey (1806-1892) married to James McKelvey (1806-1891), Mary McKelvey (born 1808) married to Samuel Moore, Ephraim McKelvey (1811-1871) married twice, Robert McKelvey, and Margaret Ellen McKelvey married to George Hopkins (see Indiana County OC 2-148 and Indiana County deeds 11:67 and 21:260). They also had a daughter Ann McKelvey (1812-1831) who is not named in the above records since she had already died.  Samuel McKelvey's daughter, Jane, married her first cousin, James McKelvey, a son of James McKelvey (Junior). There are no grave stones for Samuel and Ann (Wallace) McKelvey. Ann died about 1839. Samuel McKelvey does not appear in the 1840 census.

Joseph McKelvey (died before 1818) and Sarah (Wallace) (born 1782) McKelvey had a daughter that died young. Sarah Wallace and her first husband, John Skiles, had a son, Eprhraim Skiles (1802-1871).

William McKelvey (about 1777-1847) and Margaret (Wallace) McKelvey (1787-1853) had the following children: Jane (born about 1812) married to Archibald Devlin, Ephraim W. McKelvey (1813-1865) married three times, Ellen McKelvey (died 1899) married to William Tomb, Mary McKelvey (1818-1888) married to Peter Seib, Lewis McKelvey (1821-1849), Robert McKelvey (1825-1841), James McKelvey (1826-1848), and Sarah McKelvey (1828-1841). The names of William McKelvey's wife, Margaret, and their daughter Mary Seib, are on a large grave stone at the Armagh Old Presbyterian Cemetery, in Armagh, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. The grave stones for William McKelvey and the last four children listed above are in front of the large grave stone for Margaret McKelvey and Mary Seib. Ellen Tomb's obituary states she was a daughter of William McKelvey. She and her husband are also buried at the Armagh Old Presbyterian Cemetery. E. W. (Ephraim W.) McKelvey is living with his mother, Margaret McKelvey, in the 1850 census.

Lewis McKelvey (born about 1780) does not appear in any early censuses but appears in deeds in Westmoreland County and later on in deeds in Indiana County. He appears in the 1850 census living in Wheatfield Township, Indiana County. He probably never married since he is single when he appears as a grantor in deeds.

Samuel Wallace (1784-1860) and Jane (McKelvey) Wallace (1782-1852) had the following children: Mary Wallace (born 1808) married William Liggett, Ephraim Wallace (born 1809) married Anne Graham, James McKelvey Wallace (1811-1881) married Ruth Graham, Jane McCullough Wallace (born 1814) married James Crawford, and Margaret M. Wallace (1817-1900).

If anyone is related to this family and has additional information, please contact me. I am willing to share whatever information I have on this family.



Some Information on the Daughters of Daniel McCoy and Their Spouses

The documented children of Daniel McCoy include Charles (1779-1829), Mary (1781-after 1854), Daniel (1788-1829), Joseph (1791-1866), and John (1799-1828). Other children of Daniel McCoy in undocumented online trees include John (1777-1793), Margaret (1785-1830) married to James McCain/McKean/McLean, William (1793-1813), and Nancy (1796-1825) married to Nicholas Jordan/Jordon/Gordon. Some of the following birth and death dates for the children of Daniel McCoy are from undocumented online trees. Since we know Daniel McCoy had a family Bible, I believe that the birth and death dates are from his missing family Bible.


Children of Daniel McCoy and Deborah Norris:

John born 21 December 1777-died 16 February 1793

Charles born 1 November 1779-died 16 September 1829

Mary born 4 November 1781-died after 1854

Margaret born 8 March 1785-died 29 June 1830 married to James McCain/McLean/McKean

Daniel born 20 June 1788-died 27 February 1829

Joseph born 10 January 1791-died 16 May 1866

William born 17 May 1793-died 23 June 1813

Nancy born 4 February 1796-died 23 October 1825 married to Nicholas Jordan/Jordon/Gordon

John born 12 June 1799-died 10 July 1828


The three daughters of Daniel McCoy were Mary, Margaret, and Nancy. Mary is the only daughter for which there is documentation. There is a baptismal record for her at St. Joseph’s Church in Philadelphia that gives her date of birth and her parent’s names. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia holds a box of papers for Augustus Drum who was an attorney from Greensburg, Pennsylvania and served one term in Congress (March, 1853-March, 1855).  There were two letters to Augustus Drum asking for his help since the surviving children of Daniel McCoy believed there was money owed to their deceased father from his Revolutionary War pension.  The first letter was from James McCreay, Shelocta, Indiana County, Pennsylvania and was dated 30 June 1854.  He stated in his letter that there were two surviving children of Daniel McCoy: his mother, Mary McCreay, and Joseph McCoy.  The letter also stated that there was a family Bible but no further information is available regarding it.


The other daughters of Daniel McCoy, Margaret and Nancy, are from undocumented family trees. However, there is indirect evidence to support the existence of these other daughters and their spouses.


Daniel McCoy was living in Armstrong Township, Westmoreland County in the 1800 census with the following household composition:

Free white males under 10-2 (William and John)
Free white males 10 thru 15-2 (Daniel and Joseph)
Free white males 16 thru 25-1 (Charles)
Free white males 45 and over-1(Daniel, Sr.)
Free white females under 10-2 ( Margaret and Nancy)
Free white females 10 thru 15-1 (Mary)
Free white females 45 and over-1(Deborah)


Daniel McCoy was living in Armstrong Township, Indiana County in the 1810 census with the following household composition:

Free white males 10 thru 15-1 (John)
Free white males 16 thru 25-3 (Daniel, Joseph, William)
Free white males 45 and over-1 (Daniel, Sr.)
Free white females 10 thru 15-1 (Nancy)
Free white females 16 thru 25-1 (Mary)
Free white females 45 and over-1 (Deborah)


Daniel McCoy was living in Plum Creek Township, Armstrong County in the 1820 census with the following household composition:

Free white males 45 and over-1
Free white females 45 and over=1
Number of persons engaged in manufactures-1


James McCain/McKean is living near Daniel McCoy or his children in the 1810 through the 1830 censuses.

Jas Kean was living in Armstrong Township, Indiana County in the 1810 census next to Daniel McCoy with the following household composition:
Free white males 26 thru 44-1
Free white females 16 thru 25-1

James McKean was living in Plum
Creek Township, Armstrong County in the 1820 census where Daniel McCoy and his sons were living with the following household composition:
Free white males under 10-2
Free white males 45 and over-1

Free white females under 10-3
Free white females 26 thru 44-1
Number of persons engaged in agriculture-1

James McCain was living in Plum
Creek Township, Armstrong County in the 1830 census near Nicholas Jordon/Gordon, Samuel McCreay, and Nancy McCoy (widow of Daniel McCoy, son of Daniel McCoy) with the following household composition:
Free white males 5 thru 9-2
Free white males 15 thru 19-2
Free white males 50 thru 59-1
Free white females under 5-1
Free white females 10 thru 14-2
Free white females 15 thru 19-1
Free white females 40 thru 49-1

Nicholas Jordin/Gordon was living in Plum
Creek Township, Armstrong County in the 1820 census where Daniel McCoy and his sons were living with the following household composition:
Free white males 16 thru 25-1
Free white females 16 thru 25-1
Number of persons engaged in agriculture-1

Nicholas Jordon/Gordon was living in Plum
Creek Township, Armstrong County in the 1830 census near where Samuel McCreay, James McCain, and Nancy McCoy, (widow of Daniel McCoy, son of Daniel McCoy) with the following household composition:
Free white males 5 thru 9-1
Free white males 30 thru 39-1
Free white females under 5-2
Free white females 5 thru 9-1
Free white females 30 thru 39-1


The History of Armstrong County Pennsylvania that was written in 1883 by Robert Walter Smith lists the following tracts to originally have been surveyed within Plum Creek Township: John Levyzy/ Livezey, seated by McCain and Jordon; and Bartholomew Mather, seated by Samuel McCray.  These two tracts were adjacent to each other.  The tract for John Livezey was warranted to him on 7 February 1776 and was patented to John Hacket (in trust) on 27 May 1816 for 324.40 acres.  The tract for Bartholomew Mather (known as Matherton) was warranted to him on 20 August 1776 and was patented to Mary and Joseph Paul on 17 May 1784 for 329.120 acres.  Both Bartholomew Mather and John Livezey were living inL Philadelphia County when they obtained the warrants. 


The warrantee map for Armstrong County on PA-Roots ( shows the tracts in Armstrong County warranted by John Levyzy/Livezey, seated by McCain and Jordon, and Bartholomew Mather, seated by Samuel McCray. Seated indicates that they were living on the land and had improved it. The warrantee map also shows the tract warranted by Charles McCoy in Indiana County where Daniel McCoy and his son, Charles McCoy, were living after the death of the warrantee, Charles McCoy, about 1794-95 (see previous blog post, Relationship between Daniel McCoy and Charles McCoy). The above three tracts are within several miles of each other according to the scale used for the warrantee map.


The early censuses for Daniel McCoy, James McCain, and Nicholas Jordan as well as their close proximity to each other on the warrantee map for Armstrong County prove that Margaret and Nancy were daughters of Daniel McCoy.